Saturday, July 18, 2009

Baby fever mania

I've only ever wanted one, that's what I've said since the day I knew women could have babies and as many as they want. I don't know why though, I mean, I love babies, I always have. When I was 2, the only way they could calm me down at daycare when my mom dropped me off in the morning was to take me into the infant room. I worked in daycare, on and off for 10 years, helping to manage 10 infants or 15 toddlers, even when I was pregnant, I couldn't wait to get it over with and said, never again. So why after 30 years I've changed my mind? I guess it has to do with having the most amazing kid ever, not just that, but also Bill. As much as I talk shite about the guy he's an awesome dad, I love watching him interact with his kids, he wasn't like that right at the beginning but, now that the kids can play he's awesome, it's OK, I liked being in charge of the newborn stage, doing things my way. I think I changed my mind when Aidan was only 3 or 4 months old, my PPD (post partum depression) was being managed and I realized what an awesome and rewarding job being a mom is. I also regretted not enjoying my pregnancy. I really had no reason to complain, other than my hormones made me pretty weepy. I only gained 18lbs, lost it all plus 8 by a few weeks post partum, my labour was 8 hours but looking back wasn't that bad, so I want to do it again and enjoy it, watch my belly move again, feel my baby kick me in the bladder and the diaphragm at the same time, try to jam my swollen cankles (calf ankles) into a pair of 3 inch stilettos because I'm too stubborn to buy mom flats. I want the chance to do a drug free labour (unless it's in my back again) and I want to hold my newborn baby again. Now if I can only convince Bill.



Friday, July 17, 2009

TGI-freakin'-F mofos

I'd like to say this was the work week from hell, but they've all been like that lately. Jeebus, I go back to work after a year off to find out we've gone from 8 funders down to two, but wait, this gets even more fun. Mortgage sales are through the roof right now. I guess I shouldn't complain, I mean, I have a job right? Well that whole work life balance that my job likes to promote isn't' working out so well. OK It's Friday, I'm going to quit my bitchin' (even though I'm so darned good at it) and sum up the night.

Bill and I went to his sister's house to help cut down a tree that's dead in the front yard...or rather he went to help I just went to hang out with her kids with Aidan. So Bill and his dad (Tweedledee and Tweedledum) fight for an hour on the best way to cut this sucker down with minimal bodily harm, thank goodness this turns out to be an uneventful story, because I just don't think I could handle an invalid Bill, I mean he's mentally invalid, but we all knew that and I guess I can't complain because it's my fault, it's like getting drunk and then living with the hangover, it's self inflicted. Love you dear.

So plans for this weekend, I've got a couple of parties to go to tomorrow. One is a good friend's 50th b'day, and the other, which should be a blast is a friends "white trash party" dress up and all. So I think I'm going to make a pair of cutoffs and a wife beater for Aidan, let him drink some apple juice out of a normal cup without a bib to make the obligatory stains on a white onsie with the sleeves cut off, now if only I hadn't cut off his wicked awesome mullet when he was 5 months old. I'll definitely post some pics ahhh fun times.

My weight watchers points thing has been going well, I lost 3.5 lbs this week, a great start. but tonight dip shit (aka Bill) bought a bag of Ketchup chips, I never eat chips, unless they're ketchup, Oh and the couple beers I had were not exactly low in points either *rolls eyes, and slaps self on hand* bad girl I know.

OK I'm done now. I was right last weekend, Aidan woke up at 5am, so I'm expecting the same tomorrow.

night night

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lesbian Vampire Killers

No I didn't quit my job at the bank to slay lesbian vampires. This was a B movie that Bill downloaded and was a little too excited to watch tonight. Usually I'm not big into English comedy, but I did have a good chuckle at this one. It had just the right amount of stupid. A little too much girl on girl for me, but it wasn't porn worthy so that's OK. So if you like lesbians and vampires, I would definitely recommend this movie, if not but you've got an hour and a half to kill, I'd also recommend it, you'll chuckle a bit and maybe learn a few English slang words you didn't know before.

Hey, I started counting my weight watchers points today. I'm effing hungry, is all I have to say about that. It's OK, all I need to lose is 7-10lbs, doable right? not easy when your other half brings home a big ass bag of chips. That's OK, I gnawed on a piece of gum. 5 calories never tasted so good.

OK I'm gearing up for a ridiculous day tomorrow, maybe some overtime too, so I might as well hit the hay.

nighty night

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A perfect end to a perfect weekend

Aidan said the one thing a mother loves to hear. He said "I love you" I almost cried, I'm the biggest sap in the world. I say it to him a million times a day, so I'm sure it was just a matter of time, I'm not sure if he knows what it means, but there were times when we'd be cuddling and he'd say it. I'm on cloud nine.

Well lets start the weekend story off at Friday night. Bill's family came over for a BBQ, all went well except the chicken was a bit salty (Bill likes to experiment)but if that's all that went wrong I'll take it. Fast forward to Saturday morning, the boy woke up at 5am but thankfully after an hour and a half of TV and cuddle time I was able to get him back down, see he really does love me. We had a great day of playing in the sun. Bill went out Saturday night to watch the ball game at a friends house, he came back pretty early for his standards but hammered, apparently he can't handle the way they party anymore. Suckaaa. This morning, Sunday, Jordan, a friend of mine, called to invite Aidan and I to the zoo, I asked Bill if he wanted to come, but the hangover and the couch that sucked his soul out wouldn't let him leave, it was probably for the best as it took me over half an hour to get half way to the zoo which should have been a 2 min trip. Aidan and I turned around and thankfully the child doesn't completely understand me yet, because there was some colourful words flying out of my mouth. We just played for the rest of the day. I got to spend a lot of time with him this weekend and it was awesome.

Back to the grind tomorrow, boo. I'm expecting a hectic week and lots of overtime. I'm glad I could spend so much time with Aidan today. I also noticed he's cutting 2 teeth, poor kid, no wonder his but is 3 shades of red. Oh and that reminds me, just for a chuckle. I was giving Aidan some nekked time today to air out his poor but (bethcya know where this one's going) and I guess he pooped on the floor, Bill and I didn't notice because he's the stealth pooper, you don't hear it, you don't smell it (until it's too late) and you don't see it in his face before he goes, Bill knelt in it AHAHAHAHAHA, I thought he was going to throw up. Seriously, for someone who can melt diamonds with the gas he emits, he can't handle a bit of baby poop? psshhht, MEN.

Time for bed. 4:50 rolls around pretty fast.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

We'll see how long this lasts

So I'm laying here in bed, it's 11:15pm and I know my saint of a child, who usually wakes up at about 7am or later for his father all week, will wake up at 5am on the dot for me tomorrow morning. My reasoning for this is, he loves me more and wants to spend as much time with me as possible, hey, whatever gets me through the sleep deprived day, right? I'm wondering what else I can do with the few moments I have to myself at night, I sewed some drapes for our room (well one, it's a big job and I got bored) because the lovely car lot next door has a big spot light that shines in our bedroom windown right across the pillows where our faces go, lovely I know, I'm actually looking for someone right now who has good aim and a sling shot, maybe we can take care of this little problem. I figure why not start a blog!! great idea right? perfect thing for someone who could never keep a diary because she forgot to write in it every night. I read back in them now and it's a few entries for the first few days and then once a month. Oh well, it's entertaining me tonight anyway.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Allie, mama to the cutest child in the world. Seriously, he is, I've looked. I mean, others come close, but he really is the cat's meow. His name is Aidan and he's the love of my life. I'm also living in sin with my boyfriend (really, I'm too freakin' old to say that)Bill of 5 years, and his daughter Alyssa (6 going on 16) I just went back to work after one glorious year off of work for maternity leave. I now work at CIBC as a mortgage funder. My job is bitter sweet, it's a fast paced, meet the deadlines kind of job, but the best part is, I get to tell off lawyers, AND get paid for it. Sorry, if you're a lawyer and reading this but if my son tells me he want's a career in the mafia I'll be dissapointed but if he says he want's to be a real estate lawyer, he's out of the will. Bill and I just bought our first house too, it's awesome, especially since we've painted and I ripped up the carpets to get rid of the smell of moth balls and geriatrics, it's a 70 year old house, and smelled like it. Even though it's an old house, the previous owner (rest her soul) really took care of the place.

I'm starting to nod off now, so I guess that's my cue. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this thing going and remember to post, if not, see you next month.
